Laser cutting
We provide services related to laser cutting any shapes of black steel, stainless steel, wear-resistant (Hardox) steel and aluminium.
Laser cutting is a modern, fast and high precision method of cutting sheet metal. Parts made using this technology require no additional finishing. Laser cutting ensures repeatability of the manufactured parts, at high levels of accuracy, while the optimised distribution of parts on the sheet avoid additional costs.
Our following advantages:
– quick response to a request for a quote (a maximum of 1 working day),
– high quality of services,
– promptness,
– highly qualified group of specialists,
– large variety of materials in stock.
These ensure the completion of any order, even the most complex.
TruLaser 3030 laser with 4.0 kW output power
This type of laser allows us to “burn”:
– black steel sheets of thicknesses up to s=20 mm and sheet sizes up to 3000x1500 mm
– wear-resistant sheets (e.g. Hardox) of thicknesses up to s=18 mm and sheet sizes up to 3000x1500 mm
– stainless steel sheets 1.4301; 1.4404 of thicknesses up to s=12 mm and sheet sizes up to 3000x1500 mm
– aluminium sheets (different types) of thicknesses up to s=10 mm and sheet sizes up to 3000x1500
Laser cutting is performed in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9013:2017-04 standard – Thermal cutting – Classification of thermal cuts – Geometrical product specification and quality tolerances.
This standard defines the quality of thermal cutting. It defines, among other things, how to measure the quality of cutting, depending on the thickness of the processed material. The dimensions are specified in mm.
We prepare cost assessments based on technical documentation in the .dxf or the .dwg format.
Due to the wide variety of steel in stock and quick deliveries of non-standard sheets, we complete orders very quickly.
Detailed table with the values of the described standard is below.
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